Saturday, 18 June 2011

Take Personal Stock in This Financial Meltdown

Let's be honest. When the world is in crisis, or at least you perceive the crisis will happen soon, your personal performance is the first to go. Maybe you're worried about your investments. Perhaps you thought that the impending layoffs, or salary freeze and hiking store bills will cripple your goal to start saving for kids' college. Perhaps there was a reorganization of the company, or move to a new place, and chaos ensued.

If you have problems with attention lately, here are a few good reasons to delete those cobwebs from your head and get a survival plan in place:

1 I do not know where your company will be tomorrow.

2 I do not know if I'll still be employed at this company.

3.Financijske future is extremely uncertain at this time.

4 Living expenses continue to rise.

I do not try to paralyze you in fear of the listing of these options. What I'm trying to do is point out the reasons why it is wise to prepare for change. Our friends in the southern states recently endured Hurricane Ike and is now slowly and painfully picking up the pieces.
Homes and lives were lost. How do you think it would feel to have a life as you know it ripped from under you? Would you be willing, if something major happened tomorrow?

While disasters, whether natural, financial or otherwise, sometimes can not be avoided, it pays to think ahead and be prepared for what May come your way. Instead of anxiously scanning the news, participate in a heated argument over the politics of nation, download Tina Fey's Sarah Palin parody, or otherwise frittering away your precious time, why not mentally and physically prepared for what May come?
I dare you to start putting plans into action following today:

1 Take your inventory on-job performance.
Poll all you have managed to accomplish last year. Gather the evidence - including reports have helped to create, you have to give presentations, sales performance reports that indicate improvement on the basis of plans and procedures that are implemented and all the creative projects that have been involved. Create two "achievements" of the folders for you - one that will live on your computer, and another that can hold in your hands. Print documents, make copies. E-mail to all your personal e-mail

2 Update your resume and find their own "personal stores ."
To help you identify your most marketable traits, look at the achievements of the folder that I talked about in point 1 Based on its achievements, in which areas you excel? To make this appeal to a future employer? If you have problems with this, talk with a personal trainer who will help you define your core strengths. Not sure of your writing? Pass the task of resume writing expert who will know the right word to use, who will play up your best features. Add keywords to your resume that hiring managers can find on sites like

3 Have some face time with your financial advisor
If you're feeling insecure about your money, now is a great opportunity to team up with their investments and the type you see in your portfolio. At the time of this writing (October 2008), financial experts point to the "spread" their money across several different banks, if you have more than $ 100,000.00 in assets. Check to make sure that your financial institution is FDIC insured. Look at global investments. Our economy can not be in the best shape right now, but it is money that the international stocks. Your financial adviser will help you make the right decisions about what to do with their money.

4 Arm yourself with a list of reliable contacts
With the world in such a state of flux, there is no better time than to their firm connection with people that May be of service to you and vice versa. Web sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook were to gather friends and acquaintances from decades past. Now it's time to get back in touch with the former employer who has always had rave reviews for his work .... that the child's first grade class who now owns his own marketing. Get phone numbers, e-mail and mailing address. You really just never know when you'll be needing these!

5 Get and give a statement
While you are reaching out to people, be sure to get referrals and testimonials from those who know and trust. If you do not have any more, and then start giving some out. Offer public praise for those whose skills will benefit.

6 Create a "consulting portfolio" (even if you're not ready to become a consultant yet)
OK, so May have no intention of leaving his job at the moment, and you May even feel super confident in your position. All this is great! But again, the preparation will put you two steps ahead of the game. So if you have the skills that can be easily transferred to the area of counseling, it is now time to play one up

(to shed some light on how easy it is to begin consulting. If you take a bite for independent work, it can easily apply that extra income in the 1099-MISC to your tax return.)

Get a web site! Hosting is less than $ 200 per year and domain name only $ 6.00. Take those skills that you specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, and transfer them to your online resume or personal portfolio page that shares professional information about you in the world.

Think of all the people out there, searching Google for something that might be able to make them ponuditi.Najpametniji people are getting out into the virtual world and be seen!

There are many other ways to "conservative down" and be prepared for the unexpected in today's rapidly changing world. Look at the revenue side capabilities, such as investments in real estate. Things like laundry mats and machines are also great ways to pocket extra cash. And do not forget to retrain your mind for cheap shopping. Be on the lookout for bulk deals on things you know you'll always need - like toilet paper

While some things are certainly beyond your control, other facts of your life and your future upravlja.Ključ is easy to put "in charge" of things can change for the better. After you do this, you will be able to buckle down and give your business full attention it deserves.

Anyway - this is what you pay, you still get paid. Right?

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