Wednesday, 20 April 2011

How We Can Increase the Value of the Dollar and Create 10 Million Jobs in Two Years

It is now more than 18 months since the U.S. entered a recession and it is obvious that the economy is still caught in a downward spiral. Although we have seen our government to some moves in the right direction, it seems that the country is stuck with a not so promising formula goes one step forward, two steps back. It should not be all that pessimistic, according to some polls, "the backbone of the economy is regaining its confidence and a high percentage of small businesses show optimism toward the future. However, before we see those brighter days, there is still much to be struggling with at present. As experts in business say this particular time, require special measures. It's the perfect time for people from all walks of life to be creative and wanted to push the country toward change. This should go to the top management.

One possible approach could not be found to be very interesting approach that can grow and the American nation in the traditional, yet very profitable way. As a nation of immigrants, the United States should open its doors a little wider to those of them willing to invest their money in the U.S. economy. Having said that, let's see what the EB-5 Regional Center for the immigrant investor program has to offer. To me it looks like a program that can be used for a greater cause. Basically, this program offers a green card benefits for investors who create or improve an existing U.S. business that employs at least 10 people. condition that invest half a million to one million dollars, and are one foot over the fence (legally, of course). In addition to control day-to-day business activities, a potential investor must create 10 full-time during the two years. Is there any way this country can squeeze into, say, a million of these immigrants investors? Imagine 10 million new jobs in just two years! Imagine how we could all benefit by having the owners of different breeds in this country. This will help increase the value of the dollar. Generate taxes so we can pay down the deficit. Put hundreds of thousands of people to work. Create liquidity to U.S. credit markets. We can also put illegal immigrants, including those who stayed through the H1-B visa to work.

In this way we can challenge the capitalist languid day traders teach business and entrepreneurship that have to compete with new immigrants who are hungry, well-funded and business savvy. They would be an infusion of cash to small business needs. used for immigrant countries will also be great. Because of places like Iran, China and elsewhere the government will do everything they can to their population of foreign travel. It's one thing to lose the poor and middle class, while others lose rich because of political support for capital in these countries. Perhaps these new immigrants who live in a democracy such as ours will be able to influence the politicians to stop home some brutal things that they commit.

Let's do the math:

1 million visas would translate to 4 million immigrants (assuming a family of 4 ).

1 million foreclosed homes could be sold to them.

1 a millionaire can generate about 10 jobs in two years, and 10 million jobs will be created.
1million x 1 million = $ 1,000,000,000,000 The money will be brought into the United States, but only for banks and stock exchanges, but for working capital that will be used to increase salaries and rent from the current U.S. labor force unemployed.

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