There is no excuse for the irresponsible actions by the legislature for not reading every word before the vote on any law passed before them. If you can not read everything, it should not be printed. What will happen if you were sued in court for breach of contract? The judge hearing the case and it comes up failed to meet part of the contract. You say, but I did not read the whole thing, it was too long to read the contract. The judge will look at you and simply say, sorry sir, ma'am, but you should not sign anything unless you read it first. Judgement for plaintiff.
Does this sound familiar? It should. We were told that all of our lives of many people in the course of our lives. What is the first thing a lawyer would say, if you hired one to represent you? They would ask, Did you read the contract? What would your answer be? It should be positive and the law suit to be frivolous one because you did honor the contract because you read it. If not, your lawyer will probably tell you, I'll take your case, but I need a retainer first.
These are the things you see when you look at those small claims court TV reality series. It is not for pure entertainment, it is basic common sense, and it is the law. Well, reading is not a law, it is common sense, the word is the law of contract, that is why we have them, if they could not be upheld in court, what's the point of them there.
If the courts in small claims preach common sense and rules against those who are in breach of contract for not reading, why do we hold our representatives to a different standard? We should require that each page of any document, such as a new bill to be read from front to back, word for word. If you can not do this then it should not be introduced.
I listened to a radio interview with Congressman Dave Reichert Washington state eighth. District. He was asked about his vote to "Cap and Trade Act, in which only eight Republicans voted yes. Congressman Reichert, the interview touched on the fact that for a long time now, by most accounts do not read and it is common practice to vote on the bills do not read , because there are simply too long to have time to read. congressman Really? Maybe when 300 plus pages are added at 3:00 in the morning on Friday adopted a bill on a massive document with over 1500 pages.
This practice should not tolerate people who represent us, the American people. We must stand up and take action to change this practice. If the Bill is too long, then they are given the trust of the people to be responsible to act on our behalf, we should take the time to read the entire bill before they voted. If it is an excuse for voting for the bill before it was read, it's too long, then shorten it or get rid of it. excuse to not have time to read because of its urgency is not accepted by us.
In this case, the stimulus package. the urgency of President Obama to the law voted on and passed an absolute insult to the American people. Four days before he went to Obama by using more of our tax money to fly to Denver in the signing ceremony of the law. To date, only about 7% of that money should boost the economy and get unemployment down, were used. Bearing in mind that the president said unemployment will not go above 8%, with an account. It is now 9.5% and growing. In May, more than 300,000 jobs were lost in June rose to 467 000 jobs and Obams say is that it works. That's it? Do not be fooled by the figures the Obama administration is spouting off Americans. For all police, fire fighter, teacher, etc. .. work that has saved thousands more are lost.
America, we can not let this go on any longer. To speak, write letters, send e-mail, call your representatives and let them know that if a law, even those we support, have voted to read before, we will take it to the polls and vote without having their future and our representative.
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